Carbon dioxide (CO2) is the major greenhouse gas that results from human activities and is responsible for global warming and climate change. The concentrations of CO2 in the atmosphere are increasing at an accelerating rate from decade to decade due to the burning of the fossil fuels in our day-to-day life. Each of our everyday actions consumes energy and produces carbon dioxide emissions e.g. taking holiday flights, driving our cars, working with computers, heating or cooling our homes and offices etc.
Fossil fuels like crude oil, coal and natural gas, being made up of hydrocarbons release carbon dioxide when burned. The carbon dioxide which is released to the atmosphere remains there for 100 to 200 years. This leads to an increasing concentration of carbon dioxide in our atmosphere, which in turn causes the average temperature on Earth to rise. Studies show that climate change that takes place due to increases in carbon dioxide concentration is largely irreversible for 1,000 years even after emissions stop. That's why it is absolutely necessary to take steps now in order to save the Green Planet.
In General, Carbon footprint is the term that we use to define our environmental impact in terms of the amount of carbon dioxide (CO2) that we release into the atmosphere. We leave our carbon footprints both directly and indirectly, and the total of our environmental impact is the sum of all these contributions. The main contributors to our carbon footprint are: household electricity and heat, transport, food and clothing. All of these can be translated into a number of tonnes of CO2 per annum released into the atmosphere. All the goods that we consume are either transported in freight vehicles, shipped around the world in containers, or both. This also contributes to our carbon footprint.
As we all are responsible for climate change, it is our responsibility to save the planet by taking active part in the mission to save the planet by reducing the concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere. By making small changes in our daily habits we can make a big difference. In addition to this we can also take help of carbon offsetting to completely balance out our carbon footprint. Carbon offsetting gives us the full control over our carbon footprints. We can use carbon offsets to reduce, eliminate or compensate for CO2 emissions by funding an equivalent carbon dioxide saving somewhere else. Carbon offsets are measured in metric tons of carbon dioxide-equivalent (CO2e). One carbon offset represents the reduction of one metric ton of carbon dioxide, or its equivalent in other greenhouse gases.
Carbon offsets.help us to take personal responsibility for the environmental consequences of our activities. Individuals as well as many businesses are now responding positively to climate change as they consider it a smart choice to ensure a better future for all of us.
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